Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Culture Shock

The author of the article addresses things Americans would likely think is negative and haunting. The contrast between African and American culture can be seen through the authors diction and choice of examples. This article focuses on magic and witchcraft practiced in the sub-Saharan Africa. A gallup study was conducted in 18 different countries to measure the correlation between happiness and witchcraft. Within these 18 countries, 55% of people reported to believe in witchcraft. It was found that the older and less educated participants were more likely to believe in magic. A more critical feeling towards African culture witchcraft could be seen in the article when the author fails to mention anything positive or intriguing about believing in witchcraft. The article also mentioned that witchcraft was associated with the mutilation of albinos in Africa. In African culture, being born albino represents a curse. The author's conclusion states: "while personal belief in magic and witchcraft may seem harmless, the actions some people take based on those beliefs are clearly not" although witchcraft is associated with killings and of course this is immoral, we as American's have to consider the idea that perhaps these things happen because of the lack of education not so much because these individuals believe in witchcraft. In other words, maybe these people would have acted violently anyway. I would also like to know how happiness was measured because everyone has their own definition of happiness. In addition, like Ms Fitzgerald stated, Africans tend to expel what is not useful throughout history and keep what is useful. If witchcraft has persisted throughout the years into more modern times, that means it has to have some use to the African culture and has to benefit the lives of Africans in some ways. Perhaps citizens are too afraid to deviate away from witchcraft in fear that if they do, they will suffer. In conclusion, in order to avoid mis-judgement of Africa, it is always best to note the cultural differences and the effects of a lack of education.

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