Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Brief and Accurate Description of the Voodoo Relgion

The Voodoo religion, also known as Voudon, is rather misunderstood and is not exactly what the media portrays it to be. While its roots are to still be determined, many believe it originates in West Africa. Voodoo in fact was the result of the 16th and 19th century slave trade and was brought to the Americas through the slave trade. However, a 1658 law prohibited the practice of African religions in order to spread Christianity. This is probably where rumors and Voodoo's bad reputation began. Instead of not practicing their religion or disregarding it, slaves decided to combine both Christianity and Voodoo. In addition, Voodoo is classified as a polygamous religion because Voudon practitioners worship many spirits which is also called Iwa or Ioa. For example, in Haitian Voodoo, "St. Peter is recognised as Papa Legba, the gatekeeper of the spirit world, whilst St. Patrick is associated with Dumballah, the snake lwa". Also, "loa can also manifest themselves by possessing the bodies of their worshipers". The practice of Iwa could be beneficial to Voudon practitioners because it gives the practitioner strength since they get to be a powerful spirit or superhuman for a second. Although they practice a polygamous religion, a supreme being, Bondye, overruled spirits and demigods, much like modern day Christianity's saints. 

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