Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ethiopia's Music in the Bay Area

Meklit Hadero, an Ethiopian-American singer song writer raised in San Francisco combines her native Ethiopian language and culture to the modern music she composes. Her style is unique and often comprised of sounds found in nature and in every day life such as a bird's tune or the sound of dishes clashing. Hadero described Ethiopian language as very musical sounding. This most likely contributed to her ability to recognize every day sounds as musical instruments. She is also co-founder of The Nile Project where she explored the music of the Nile basin, pulling influences from Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Egypt. 

She returned to San Francisco and immersed her self into the art culture and began collaborating. She has also worked with artists from Oakland. She fits in perfectly in the Bay Area, an urban area rich in culture and out of the box thinkers. People like her contribute to our rich diversity. Like Dr. Fitzgerald mentioned the most successful immigrants today came from African countries. Meklit Hadero is a perfect example of a successful immigrant contributing to the melting pot of the Bay Area.



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